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The little league practicing their pitching

Building new dug outs for Concord Little League

We were approached by Concord Little League asking us to repair their dugouts and scoring booth. After getting an idea of the work needed, Ron - HQR's owner- decided to do the work pro-bono and gift the league with a newly roofed dug-out, a new set of stairs to the scoring booth, new dry-wall for the booth, reside and repaint the booth as you can see in the picture. Years of wear and tear from weather and usage left the scoring booth and dugouts in poor condition. When our construction team came in, a lot of the joists were rotting due to exposure to water, the drywall in the booth also had water damage from the leaky roof, and the siding was literally falling apart.

Now that things are opening back up and the construction is done, the kids can come back to almost newly rebuilt baseball fields!